Drops™ Candies Child Resistant Tin Box 2021-07-05T15:09:17+00:00

Drops™ Candies Child Resistant Tin Box

Drops™ Candies is a premium/successful cannabis edibles company, especially on jellies. The special and unique flavor jellies make this brand more popular. It’s a pity that this famous jellies were packed by paper packaging still, without attractive and high-class metal packaging. According to their requirements, Andylots provided four CR solutions and developed two different smaller/mini child resistant tins for their jellies last year(2020.5/19). But Drops™ Candies used our certified CR tin samples to work with the other supplier because of their lower cost. So let’s introduce our two CR tins with the lower cost to support their competitors.

The rectangular CR tin 3” x 1.35”: it’s whole tin structure with hidden CR mechanism and it’s the same as the normal tin box with pretty appearance. There are two slots on the tin body that hook the rolled inside of tin lid. Pressing tin body makes two slots out of rolled edge and then lift lid to open this CR tin. The special elastic tinplate makes tin body without any deformation after pressing many times.

The square CR tin Cube 1.25” x 1.25”: It has whole tin structure with hidden CR mechanism and pretty appearance at the same time. Comparing last CR tin, this CR tin belongs to the first CR tin that has three pieces structure without any accessories. Two slots in the lid locks the rolled inside of tin body. Push and lift the tin lid – a new opening method to start the enjoyable jellies. There is no need to press tin body and the smaller tin lid wouldn’t be deformed. It’s the most stable and the smallest CR tin in the market.

As a famous jelies company – Drops™ Candies stole Andylots’ CR tins and live up to the development of Andylots who spend half a year to finish CR tin and CR certified process with more labor and cost. Just like treat their supplier with lies, we couldn’t believe how the company will deceive their customers. If there are some jellies in your catalog, these two CR tins will be of more advantage and can be applied directly. And Andylots will provide lower and the lowest cost to let you get more advantages. Except these two CR tins, Andylots can develop various CR tins for your cannabis business.